Marc Teixido Planes - Berkeley Water Center
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Marc Teixido Planes

Marc Teixido Planes

Postdoctoral Researcher
Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research Areas: Environmental chemistry; water quality; organic pollutant fate in underground and aquatic environments; transport and adsorption mechanisms; soil remediation


Sample Projects: Stormwater Capture and Reuse: Methodologies, models, and materials for predictable removal of chemicals from stormwater during distributed recharge

Marc Teixido Planes

Postdoctoral Researcher
Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research Areas: Environmental chemistry; water quality; organic pollutant fate in underground and aquatic environments; transport and adsorption mechanisms; soil remediation


Sample Projects: Stormwater Capture and Reuse: Methodologies, models, and materials for predictable removal of chemicals from stormwater during distributed recharge