Environmental Engineering
Research Areas: Electrochemical Water Treatment
Sample Projects: Advanced Oxidation Processes enabled by cathodic hydrogen peroxide production and Mechanism of Electrochemical Organic Contaminant Degradation in the presence of halide and carbonate ions.
Environmental Engineering, Sedlak Lab
Research Areas: Areas of research/expertise: Water chemistry, trace organic contaminants, natural treatment systems
Sample Projects: Prado demonstration scale open-water wetlands for wastewater polishing, vegetated wetlands for wastewater polishing
CEE/Environmental Engineering/Water Quality
Research Areas: Stormwater Quality/Trance Organic Contaminants
Sample Projects: Reactive Geomedia for Passive Treatment of Organic Stormwater Contaminants
Environmental Engineering
Research Areas: Drinking water provision in rural India, Development engineering, novel adsorbents
Sample Projects: An Ultra Low-Cost Approach to Remediate Groundwater Fluoride Contamination in India
Project Scientist and Environmental Health Researcher
Berkeley Water Center and the College of Natural Resources
Research Areas: Drinking water supply and treatment in rural areas; Water and development policy; Environmental Health; Indicator design and evaluation (and poverty metrics); China
Sample Projects: Recreational water quality & environmental health in the Philippines, Berkeley/China-CDC Program for Water & Health (multiple ongoing and planned projects), Evaluating Household Water Treatment in Rural China, The Multidimensional Poverty Assessment Tool (MPAT) with the United Nation’s IFAD
PhD Student
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Electrochemistry, Advanced oxidation processes, and Trace organic contaminants removal
Sample projects: Electrochemical Advanced Oxidation for Urban Stormwater Treatment and Recharge
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Drinking water treatment technologies for low-income regions in the US, iron electrocoagulation, environmental justice, inorganic contaminants, scaling up technologies
Energy and Resources Group
Research Areas: Water recycling, decision-making about water infrastructure, science communication
Sample Projects: Beyond User Acceptance: A legitimacy framework for potable water reuse in California; Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Sustainable Nutrient Management
PhD student
Energy and Resources Group
Research areas: drinking water access, environmental justice, collective action, machine learning
Sample projects: Predicting “hidden” vulnerabilities in California: system-level water quality violations
Energy, Civil Infrastructure and Climate/Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Areas: Water/Wastewater infrastructure management, Decentralized water reuse assessment, Life-cycle assessment, Environmental and economic assessment, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Decision-making tools
Sample Projects: Feasibility assessment of the off-the-grid water/wastewater infrastructure
PhD Student
Environmental Engineering
Research Areas: Wastewater reuse, microbial water quality, flow cytometry for drinking water systems, biofilms in distribution systems, and microbial communities in water treatment systems and impact of chlorination
Sample Projects: Surveying the Microbial Quality of US Drinking Water Systems Using Flow Cytometry and Microbiology in Direct Potable Reuse Systems
Lab Manager for Lisa Alvarez-Cohen
Civil & Environmental Engineering
Research Areas: Biological nutrient removal, ANaerobic AMMonium OXidizing (ANAMMOX) Bacteria, life-cycle assessment
Sample Projects: Semi-continuous stirred tank reactors for high growth-rate anammox, life cycle assessment applied to side-stream anammox
Civil and Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Berkeley Lab Energy Technologies Area
ITRI-Rosenfeld Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Areas: Materials and manufacturing of electrodes for Electrochemical Water treatment, Iron-electrocoagulation, Electrically Regenerated Ion exchange with capacitive deionization
Sample Project: Reliable electrodes for capacitive deionization with sustainable materials, Removing silica from produced water to reduce fouling of membranes in desalination, Surfaces of electrodes in air-cathode assisted iron-electrocoagulation
Postdoctoral Researcher
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
Research areas: Spatially and temporally explicit analyses pertaining to coastal communities and water quality parameters, effects of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on benthic communities
Sample projects: Effects of SGD on community composition and productivity of coral reefs, SGD-derived nutrient uptake in coastal ecosystems, decadal and inter-island community assessments of Hawaii’s intertidal ecosystems, building undergraduate level marine- and field-based research curricula and programs
Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow (Visiting researcher)
Energy and Resources Group /Institut of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Research areas: Ecological Economics, Water Justice, Water conflicts, Environmental activism, and Social movements
PhD Student
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Lead electrochemistry, lead leaching prevention
Sample projects: An electrochemical method to prevent lead leaching into the drinking water supply
Environmental Engineering
Research Areas: Wastewater reuse; environmental microbiology; biological stability of drinking water; flow cytometry
Sample Projects: Impact of wastewater advanced treatment processes on the microbiology of direct potable reuse systems
Research and Development Engineer
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Iron-electrocoagulation for chromium and arsenic removal from water
Sample projects: Arsenic remediation technology implementation in the Philippines, Removal of heavy metals in ash-ponds from coal fired power plants
PhD Student
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Electrochemical drinking water treatment
Sample projects: Point-of-use nitrate reduction
Postdoctoral Researcher
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Nutrient management, water, and sanitation in low and middle-income countries
Sample projects: NSF InFEWS project on recovery of nutrients from concentrated waste streams and production of fertilizer products
PhD Student
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Trace organic contaminant transformation, environmental chemistry, and natural treatment systems/constructed wetlands
Sample projects: The Oro Loma Horizontal Levee/subsurface treatment
PhD student
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Environmental applications of materials science
Current project: Heavy metal sensor development
PhD Student
Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Treatment wetlands, water reuse, brine management, photochemistry
Sample projects: Treatment of reverse osmosis concentrate from potable water reuse
Postdoctoral Researcher
Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Areas: Environmental chemistry; water quality; organic pollutant fate in underground and aquatic environments; transport and adsorption mechanisms; soil remediation
Sample Projects: Stormwater Capture and Reuse: Methodologies, models, and materials for predictable removal of chemicals from stormwater during distributed recharge
PhD Student
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research areas: Environmental chemistry, water treatment materials, applications of green chemistry in water treatment systems
Sample project: Integrating Heavy Metal Removal into Solar Desalination