Alasdair Cohen
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Alasdair Cohen

Alasdair Cohen

Project Scientist and Environmental Health Researcher

Berkeley Water Center and the College of Natural Resources

Research Areas: Drinking water supply and treatment in rural areas; Water and development policy; Environmental Health; Indicator design and evaluation (and poverty metrics); China

Sample ProjectsRecreational water quality & environmental health in the Philippines,  Berkeley/China-CDC Program for Water & Health (multiple ongoing and planned projects), Evaluating Household Water Treatment in Rural ChinaThe Multidimensional Poverty Assessment Tool (MPAT) with the United Nation’s IFAD

Alasdair Cohen

Project Scientist and Environmental Health Researcher

Berkeley Water Center and the College of Natural Resources

Research Areas: Drinking water supply and treatment in rural areas; Water and development policy; Environmental Health; Indicator design and evaluation (and poverty metrics); China

Sample ProjectsRecreational water quality & environmental health in the Philippines,  Berkeley/China-CDC Program for Water & Health (multiple ongoing and planned projects), Evaluating Household Water Treatment in Rural ChinaThe Multidimensional Poverty Assessment Tool (MPAT) with the United Nation’s IFAD