Florybeth La Valle - Berkeley Water Center
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Florybeth La Valle

Florybeth La Valle

Postdoctoral Researcher

Environmental Science, Policy, and Management


Research areas: Spatially and temporally explicit analyses pertaining to coastal communities and water quality parameters, effects of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on benthic communities


Sample projects: Effects of SGD on community composition and productivity of coral reefs, SGD-derived nutrient uptake in coastal ecosystems, decadal and inter-island community assessments of Hawaii’s intertidal ecosystems, building undergraduate level marine- and field-based research curricula and programs

Florybeth La Valle

Postdoctoral Researcher

Environmental Science, Policy, and Management


Research areas: Spatially and temporally explicit analyses pertaining to coastal communities and water quality parameters, effects of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) on benthic communities


Sample projects: Effects of SGD on community composition and productivity of coral reefs, SGD-derived nutrient uptake in coastal ecosystems, decadal and inter-island community assessments of Hawaii’s intertidal ecosystems, building undergraduate level marine- and field-based research curricula and programs