California - Berkeley Water Center - Page 2
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Slav Hermanowicz

Professor of the Graduate School
Environmental Engineering


Research Areas: Biological water and wastewater treatment processes; biofilms and their development; analysis of full-scale treatment reactors; nutrient control; sustainable development


Sample Projects: Deammonification of anaerobic sludge digestate; Better drinking water quality in storage; Solar optics-based active pasteurization for greywater reuse and integrated thermal building control; Physics of foaming in anaerobic digesters; Sustainable development: physical and moral issues; New sources of water; Toward a definition of sustainability.

Slav Hermanowicz

Ted Grantham

Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist and Adjunct Assistant Professor; Co-Director of the Cannabis Research Center at UC Berkeley
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management


Research Areas: freshwater ecology; surface water hydrology; water resources management


Sample projects: Eco-hydrology of intermittent streams; managing water for the environment; freshwater ecosystem vulnerability to climate change; environmental impacts of cannabis production
Ted Grantham

Steven Glaser

Professor and Faculty Director of the CITRIS Intelligent Water Infrastructures and Adaptive Cities Initiative
Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research Areas: Laboratory earthquakes and nanoseismology, wireless sensors networks, snow water hydrology, internet of water, geophysics and wave propagation, geothermal energy, rock mechanics


Sample Projects: Operates the largest wireless network in the world, monitoring forest hydrology of snowmelt and water balance in the Sierra Nevada. The wireless sensor networks research covers a wide range of applications – from the first use of the Berkeley Mote to monitor the seismic safety of wood-frame houses to measuring the seismic response of the Masada mountain in Israel to measuring environmental hazards at Chinese historical sites such as Dunhuang.

Steven Glaser

Ashok Gadgil

ENV Program, Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research Areas: Drinking Water Treatment; Technology Innovation; Technology Maturation for Impact


Sample projects: Arsenic remediation of groundwater used for drinking; Advanced technologies for Capacitive Deionization; Low cost effective remediation of excess fluoride from groundwater used for drinking

Ashok Gadgil

Holly Doremus

James H. House and Hiram H. Hurd Professor of Environmental Regulation;
Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Research; Co-Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
Berkeley Law


Research Areas: Environmental law, natural resources law, and law and science

Sample Projects: Hydropower relicensing in California

Holly Doremus

Jack Colford

Professor of Epidemiology
School of Public Health


Research Areas: Waterborne infectious diseases (domestic, developing country, and recreational water settings), Clinical trial design (individual and community-level)


Sample Projects: Cluster-randomised controlled trials of individual and combined water, sanitation, hygiene and nutritional interventions in rural Bangladesh and Kenya: the WASH Benefits study, Health risks associated with ocean exposure and fecal indicator bacteria following rainstorms: a longitudinal cohort study of surfers in San Diego, California, Spillover Effects of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Interventions on Child Health

Jack Colford

Ellen Bruno

Assistant Specialist in Cooperative Extension
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics


Research Areas: Economics of water resources–water markets and adoption of water-saving technologies, agricultural and environmental economics.


Sample Projects: Water Prices, Water Use, and Adoption of Agricultural Technology: Empirical Evidence from California Groundwater with Katrina Jessoe at UC Davis and Economics of Groundwater Quality in Agriculture with Molly Van Dop and Michael Hanemann at UC Berkeley.

Ellen Bruno

Dennis D. Baldocchi

Environmental Science, Policy and Management


Research Areas: Biometeorology, biosphere-atmosphere trace gas fluxes


Sample Projects: Coordinated use of experimental measurements and theoretical models to understand the physical, biological, and chemical processes that control trace gas fluxes between the biosphere and atmosphere and to quantify their temporal and spatial variations. The spatial scales of this work ranges from the dimension of a leaf through the depth of plant canopies and the planetary boundary layer and the horizontal extent of landscapes.

Dennis D. Baldocchi

Maximilian Auffhammer

George Pardee Jr. Professor of International Sustainable Development & Regional Associate Dean Letters & Science
Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics


Research Areas:  Forecasting Greenhouse Gas Emissions, impacts of air pollution on agriculture, Microeconomic Theory, Economics of Climate Change, and econometrics


Sample Projects: Adverse Reproductive Outcomes in a Population Exposed to Perfluorinated Compounds in Drinking Water (with Martha Rogers, Gina Waterfield, Philippe Grandjean,  and David Sunding, 2018); Turning water into jobs: The impact of surface water deliveries on farm employment and fallowing in California’s San Joaquin Valley (with Dina Gorensteyn and David Sunding, 2018); Forecasting Urban Water Consumption in California: Rethinking Model Evaluation (with Steven Buck, Hilary Soldati, and David Sunding, 2018).

Maximilian Auffhammer