California - Berkeley Water Center
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Anna Serra-Llobet

Institute of International Studies


Research Areas: Comparative studies between the US and the EU on Flood Risk Management Policies


Sample Projects: Titles of water-related projects you are working on: Sustainable Floodplains Project. This project explores sustainable flood management strategies in the US and the EU with the goal of finding tools that can help to improve flood risk management in different countries. As an example, our book “Managing Flood Risk: Innovative Approaches from Big Floodplain Rivers and Urban Streams” presents voices of those on the front lines of implementing a new paradigm in flood risk management, each river with a unique set of challenges and opportunities derived from its geography as well as differences in governance between America and European contexts.

Anna Serra-Llobet

David Sedlak

Co-Director of Berkeley Water Center, Malozemoff Professor in Mineral Engineering, Director of Institute for Environmental Science and Engineering (IESE)
Environmental Engineering


Research Areas: Environmental chemistry, water recycling, contaminant fate in receiving waters, natural treatment systems, reinvention of urban water systems


Sample Projects: The Fate of Trace Organic Compounds in Treatment Wetlands, In Situ Chemical Oxidation of Persistent Organic Contaminants

David Sedlak

Albert Ruhi

Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management


Research Areas: Freshwater Ecology


Sample Projects2019-23 Collaborative Proposal: NSF MSB-FRA: Scaling Climate, Connectivity, and Communities in Streams; 2019-20 California Institute for Water Resources (CIWR) Water Research Program. Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of the Multi-Scale Effects of Drought on Riverine Biodiversity; 2019-20  California Department of Fish and Wildlife Awards. Reconnecting Delta food webs: evaluating the influence of tidal marsh restoration on energy flow and prey availability for native fishes; 2019-20 Subaward from the National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center, University of Maryland. Advancing quantitative methods to understand causal pathways and feedbacks within complex socio-hydrological systems.

Albert Ruhi

Isha Ray

Professor, Energy and Resources Group
Affiliate Faculty, Geography, Institute for South Asia Studies


Research Areas: Water and devel­op­ment; tech­nol­ogy and devel­op­ment; com­mon prop­erty resources; and social sci­ence research meth­ods


Sample Projects: Access to water and san­i­ta­tion for the rural and urban poor, the role of tech­nol­ogy in improv­ing liveli­hoods, and pub­lic per­cep­tions of energy and cli­mate change poli­cies.

Isha Ray

Kara Nelson

Environmental Engineering


Research Areas: Detection, removal, and inactivation of pathogens in water and sludge; Water reuse; Natural treatment systems; Drinking water and sanitation in developing countries.


Sample Projects: Disinfection of Water by Sunlight; Evaluation of 24×7 versus Intermittent Water Supply in Hubli-Dharwad, India; Tertiary Treatment for Water Reuse; Wastewater Irrigation of Food Crops; and Stormwater Treatment by Bioinfiltration.

Kara Nelson

Luke Macaulay

Environmental Planning


Research Areas: fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, river restoration, environmental planning, environmental science, managing flood-prone lands, urban rivers, and sediment in rivers and reservoirs


Sample Projects:  The social connectivity of urban rivers, analyzing the city-river relationships over time and current urban river revitalization efforts; The social life of the sediment balance, examining river-basin impacts of dams on downstream rivers and deltas from both geomorphological and environmental history perspectives; and Strategic dam planning for improved tradeoffs between hydropower generation and environment.

Luke Macaulay

G. Mathias Kondolf

Environmental Planning


Research Areas: fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, river restoration, environmental planning, environmental science, managing flood-prone lands, urban rivers, and sediment in rivers and reservoirs


Sample Projects:  The social connectivity of urban rivers, analyzing the city-river relationships over time and current urban river revitalization efforts; The social life of the sediment balance, examining river-basin impacts of dams on downstream rivers and deltas from both geomorphological and environmental history perspectives; and Strategic dam planning for improved tradeoffs between hydropower generation and environment.

G. Mathias Kondolf

Michael Kiparsky

Director of the Wheeler Water Institute
Center for Law, Energy & the Environment, UC Berkeley School of Law


Research Areas: Water resources policy and management; science-policy interface; translational research and synthesis


Sample Projects: Evaluating and Improving the Relationships Between Regulation and Innovation in the Wastewater Sector; Developing Water Data Systems to Improve Decision Making; Recharge Net Metering to Enhance Groundwater Sustainability; Addressing Institutional Vulnerabilities in California’s Water Allocation Institutions; Evaluating the Benefits for and Pathways to Small Water System Consolidations

Michael Kiparsky

Andrew D. Jones

Deputy Director, Climate Readiness Institute; Program Domain Lead, Earth Systems and Society Program
Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab


Research Areas: Hydrology and climate change; quantitative Earth system science; decision-relevant metrics for climate models; stakeholder engagement



Sample ProjectsProject HyperionWater-Energy Resilience Research Institute

Andrew D. Jones

Kristina Hill

Associate Professor
Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning and Urban Design


Research Areas: Urban ecology and hydrology in relationship to physical design and social justice issues, adapting urban districts and shore zones to the new challenges associated with climate change, adaptation and coastal design


Sample Projects: Urban water system design that supports salmon health, understanding the potential for designs to help protect coastal communities as sea levels rise internationally, adaptation and coastal design in the San Francisco Bay Area

Kristina Hill