Affiliates working on International Development
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Affiliates working on International Development

Jack Colford

Professor of Epidemiology
School of Public Health


Research Areas: Waterborne infectious diseases (domestic, developing country, and recreational water settings), Clinical trial design (individual and community-level)


Sample Projects: Cluster-randomised controlled trials of individual and combined water, sanitation, hygiene and nutritional interventions in rural Bangladesh and Kenya: the WASH Benefits study, Health risks associated with ocean exposure and fecal indicator bacteria following rainstorms: a longitudinal cohort study of surfers in San Diego, California, Spillover Effects of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Interventions on Child Health

Jack Colford

Ashok Gadgil

ENV Program, Civil and Environmental Engineering


Research Areas: Drinking Water Treatment; Technology Innovation; Technology Maturation for Impact


Sample projects: Arsenic remediation of groundwater used for drinking; Advanced technologies for Capacitive Deionization; Low cost effective remediation of excess fluoride from groundwater used for drinking

Ashok Gadgil

G. Mathias Kondolf

Environmental Planning


Research Areas: fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, river restoration, environmental planning, environmental science, managing flood-prone lands, urban rivers, and sediment in rivers and reservoirs


Sample Projects:  The social connectivity of urban rivers, analyzing the city-river relationships over time and current urban river revitalization efforts; The social life of the sediment balance, examining river-basin impacts of dams on downstream rivers and deltas from both geomorphological and environmental history perspectives; and Strategic dam planning for improved tradeoffs between hydropower generation and environment.

G. Mathias Kondolf

Kara Nelson

Environmental Engineering


Research Areas: Detection, removal, and inactivation of pathogens in water and sludge; Water reuse; Natural treatment systems; Drinking water and sanitation in developing countries.


Sample Projects: Disinfection of Water by Sunlight; Evaluation of 24×7 versus Intermittent Water Supply in Hubli-Dharwad, India; Tertiary Treatment for Water Reuse; Wastewater Irrigation of Food Crops; and Stormwater Treatment by Bioinfiltration.

Kara Nelson

Amy Pickering

Assistant Professor
Civil and Environmental Engineering & The Blum Center for Developing Economies


Research areas: Water, sanitation, global health

Sample projects: Strategies for scaling up passive chlorination to increase global access to safe water; effects of drinking water chlorination on children’s intestinal flora and resistomes in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Alison E. Post

Associate Professor
Political Science and Global Metropolitan Studies


Research areas:  Institutions for urban water delivery; politics of water management and distribution, especially in the Global South; private sector participation in water delivery; water intermittency; human right to water.


Sample Projects:  Foreign and Domestic Investment in Argentina: The Politics of Privatized Infrastructure; How Investor Portfolios Shape Regulatory Outcomes: Privatized Infrastructure After Crises; Information and Intermittent Water: An Impact Evaluation in Bangalore, India; Does Codifying the Human Right to Water Change Public Opinion?

Alison E. Post

Isha Ray

Professor, Energy and Resources Group
Affiliate Faculty, Geography, Institute for South Asia Studies


Research Areas: Water and devel­op­ment; tech­nol­ogy and devel­op­ment; com­mon prop­erty resources; and social sci­ence research meth­ods


Sample Projects: Access to water and san­i­ta­tion for the rural and urban poor, the role of tech­nol­ogy in improv­ing liveli­hoods, and pub­lic per­cep­tions of energy and cli­mate change poli­cies.

Isha Ray

David Zilberman

Professor and Robinson Chair
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics


Research Areas: Water Economics – water conservation, water market, water quality; Technological Change, Adoption of new technology and innovation; The Bioeconomy – biotechnology and biofuels; Agricultural, environmental and nutritional policy, risk management; and Environmental sustainability – Climate change, environmental risk


Sample Projects: Adoption of Drip Irrigation in California: A historical/econometric study on the evolution of the adoption of drip irrigation in California with Rebecca Taylor, Douglas Parker and Ariel Dinar;  The relationship between water dams and conservation: Understanding to what extend dams and conservation are substitutes or complements (will better conservation technologies reduce or increase the need for dams?), with applications to climate change. With Yang Xie; How California is responding to the drought: A new Giannini Foundation project with Yang Xie and Douglas Parker; The Economic Impact of CIMIS (California Irrigation Management Information System): Supported by DWR and NASA with Douglas Parker; and The Regulation of Animal Waste: Assessing the challenge of regulating Nitrogen and Phosphorus simultaneously with Antti Iho and Douglas Parker.

David Zilberman