Research Areas: Waterborne infectious diseases (domestic, developing country, and recreational water settings), Clinical trial design (individual and community-level)
Sample Projects: Cluster-randomised controlled trials of individual and combined water, sanitation, hygiene and nutritional interventions in rural Bangladesh and Kenya: the WASH Benefits study, Health risks associated with ocean exposure and fecal indicator bacteria following rainstorms: a longitudinal cohort study of surfers in San Diego, California, Spillover Effects of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Interventions on Child Health
Research Areas: Drinking Water Treatment; Technology Innovation; Technology Maturation for Impact
Sample projects: Arsenic remediation of groundwater used for drinking; Advanced technologies for Capacitive Deionization; Low cost effective remediation of excess fluoride from groundwater used for drinking
Research Areas: fluvial geomorphology, hydrology, river restoration, environmental planning, environmental science, managing flood-prone lands, urban rivers, and sediment in rivers and reservoirs
Sample Projects: The social connectivity of urban rivers, analyzing the city-river relationships over time and current urban river revitalization efforts; The social life of the sediment balance, examining river-basin impacts of dams on downstream rivers and deltas from both geomorphological and environmental history perspectives; and Strategic dam planning for improved tradeoffs between hydropower generation and environment.
Research Areas: Detection, removal, and inactivation of pathogens in water and sludge; Water reuse; Natural treatment systems; Drinking water and sanitation in developing countries.
Sample Projects: Disinfection of Water by Sunlight; Evaluation of 24×7 versus Intermittent Water Supply in Hubli-Dharwad, India; Tertiary Treatment for Water Reuse; Wastewater Irrigation of Food Crops; and Stormwater Treatment by Bioinfiltration.
Research areas: Water, sanitation, global health
Sample projects: Strategies for scaling up passive chlorination to increase global access to safe water; effects of drinking water chlorination on children’s intestinal flora and resistomes in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Research areas: Institutions for urban water delivery; politics of water management and distribution, especially in the Global South; private sector participation in water delivery; water intermittency; human right to water.
Sample Projects: Foreign and Domestic Investment in Argentina: The Politics of Privatized Infrastructure; How Investor Portfolios Shape Regulatory Outcomes: Privatized Infrastructure After Crises; Information and Intermittent Water: An Impact Evaluation in Bangalore, India; Does Codifying the Human Right to Water Change Public Opinion?
Research Areas: Water and development; technology and development; common property resources; and social science research methods
Sample Projects: Access to water and sanitation for the rural and urban poor, the role of technology in improving livelihoods, and public perceptions of energy and climate change policies.
Research Areas: Water Economics – water conservation, water market, water quality; Technological Change, Adoption of new technology and innovation; The Bioeconomy – biotechnology and biofuels; Agricultural, environmental and nutritional policy, risk management; and Environmental sustainability – Climate change, environmental risk
Sample Projects: Adoption of Drip Irrigation in California: A historical/econometric study on the evolution of the adoption of drip irrigation in California with Rebecca Taylor, Douglas Parker and Ariel Dinar; The relationship between water dams and conservation: Understanding to what extend dams and conservation are substitutes or complements (will better conservation technologies reduce or increase the need for dams?), with applications to climate change. With Yang Xie; How California is responding to the drought: A new Giannini Foundation project with Yang Xie and Douglas Parker; The Economic Impact of CIMIS (California Irrigation Management Information System): Supported by DWR and NASA with Douglas Parker; and The Regulation of Animal Waste: Assessing the challenge of regulating Nitrogen and Phosphorus simultaneously with Antti Iho and Douglas Parker.