Susan S. Hubbard - Berkeley Water Center
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Susan S. Hubbard

Susan S. Hubbard

Associate Laboratory Director, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Berkeley Lab; Adjunct Professor UC Berkeley
Department of Environmental Science, Policy and   Management (ESPM)


Research Areas: Development and use of advanced characterization approaches to provide new insights about terrestrial hydrological and biogeochemical functioning relevant to contaminant remediation, carbon cycling, water resources, and subsurface energy challenges.


Sample Projects: Watershed Function Scientific Focus Area – Developing a predictive understanding of how mountainous watersheds retain and release water and the implications for downgradient water discharge and biogeochemical cycles, particularly in response to floods, droughts and other episodic through decadal perturbations. The project is focused in a headwaters catchment in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Partners: Colorado School of Mines, Desert Research Institute, Fort Lewis College, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, University of Arizona, Navarro, Subsurface Insights, UC Berkeley; Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment (NGEE) -Artic (Improved prediction of ecosystem feedback to climate in vulnerable Arctic systems through iterative and multi-scale observations, experiments and simulations). Partners: ORNL (lead), LANL, BNL, University of Fairbanks AK.

Susan S. Hubbard