Drinking Water - Berkeley Water Center - Page 2
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Jack Colford

Professor of Epidemiology
School of Public Health


Research Areas: Waterborne infectious diseases (domestic, developing country, and recreational water settings), Clinical trial design (individual and community-level)


Sample Projects: Cluster-randomised controlled trials of individual and combined water, sanitation, hygiene and nutritional interventions in rural Bangladesh and Kenya: the WASH Benefits study, Health risks associated with ocean exposure and fecal indicator bacteria following rainstorms: a longitudinal cohort study of surfers in San Diego, California, Spillover Effects of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Interventions on Child Health

Jack Colford

Charisma Acey

Associate Professor and Faculty Director of the Berkeley Food Institute
Department of City and Regional Planning


Research Areas: access to drinking water and sanitation, environmental justice, poverty reduction, food security, collaborative governance and participatory research methods


Sample Projects: Exploring the Human Right to Water Paradigm in Urban and Peri-Urban Governance; Are Water Utility Customers in Kenya Willing to Pay More to Improve Sanitation in Low-Income Communities?; Infrastructure Imaginaries: Informal Urbanism, Creativity and Ecology in Lagos, Nigeria