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Welcome to the Berkeley Water Center

The BWC is a broad network of researchers working to create more resilient, equitable and sustainable water systems with access to safe water for all. Inclusion in the BWC community provides you with opportunities to strengthen your research through collaboration with other water researchers, engage with practitioners, participate in community outreach, and broaden your education. The Berkeley Water Center is supported by the College of Engineering under the leadership of David Sedlak as the faculty director. Students, postdocs, and staff researchers working on water-related studies at UC Berkeley may affiliate with BWC. (Visit this link for a complete list of current BWC faculty affiliates). Those who fit this description may request BWC desk space or key card access.

Interested in exploring the water-related research, classes and opportunities at UC Berkeley? Check out the UC Berkeley Water Portal  – The Water Sustainability Research and Opportunities Portal will allow you to easily find interesting courses about water from different departments, to locate faculty members with a water sustainability focus to their research, and to discover opportunities for funding or professional training. This project was spearheaded by the Berkeley Water Center and made possible by the generous support of the Green Initiative Fund.

Lauren Kennedy is developing methods for learning more about the microbes in drinking water and wastewater. Learn more about her and her research!

Contact Us

410 O’Brien Hall,

Berkeley, CA 94720-1718


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