Sooyeol (Suzy) Kim
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Sooyeol (Suzy) Kim

Sooyeol (Suzy) Kim

Postdoctoral Researcher

Civil and Environmental Engineering



Research Areas: Wastewater based epidemiology


Projects: Evaluating robust standardizable methods for wastewater surveillance of pathogens andantibiotic resistance, Cas9 targeted sequencing for antibiotic resistance gene enrichment, Wastewater surveillance of antibiotic resistance genes across the U.S.






Sooyeol (Suzy) Kim

Postdoctoral Researcher

Civil and Environmental Engineering



Research Areas: Wastewater based epidemiology


Projects: Evaluating robust standardizable methods for wastewater surveillance of pathogens andantibiotic resistance, Cas9 targeted sequencing for antibiotic resistance gene enrichment, Wastewater surveillance of antibiotic resistance genes across the U.S.