Affiliate Research Areas Equity and Environmental Justice
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Isha Ray

Professor, Energy and Resources Group
Affiliate Faculty, Geography, Institute for South Asia Studies


Research Areas: Water and devel­op­ment; tech­nol­ogy and devel­op­ment; com­mon prop­erty resources; and social sci­ence research meth­ods


Sample Projects: Access to water and san­i­ta­tion for the rural and urban poor, the role of tech­nol­ogy in improv­ing liveli­hoods, and pub­lic per­cep­tions of energy and cli­mate change poli­cies.

Isha Ray

Alison E. Post

Associate Professor
Political Science and Global Metropolitan Studies


Research areas:  Institutions for urban water delivery; politics of water management and distribution, especially in the Global South; private sector participation in water delivery; water intermittency; human right to water.


Sample Projects:  Foreign and Domestic Investment in Argentina: The Politics of Privatized Infrastructure; How Investor Portfolios Shape Regulatory Outcomes: Privatized Infrastructure After Crises; Information and Intermittent Water: An Impact Evaluation in Bangalore, India; Does Codifying the Human Right to Water Change Public Opinion?

Alison E. Post

Kara Nelson

Environmental Engineering


Research Areas: Detection, removal, and inactivation of pathogens in water and sludge; Water reuse; Natural treatment systems; Drinking water and sanitation in developing countries.


Sample Projects: Disinfection of Water by Sunlight; Evaluation of 24×7 versus Intermittent Water Supply in Hubli-Dharwad, India; Tertiary Treatment for Water Reuse; Wastewater Irrigation of Food Crops; and Stormwater Treatment by Bioinfiltration.

Kara Nelson

Michael Mascarenhas

 Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management


Research Areas: water access and environmental justice; water charity and affordability; Indigenous water rights, human right to water.


Sample Projects:  Thirsty for Environmental Justice. Flint, Detroit, and the War over Michigan’s Water. Previous Projects: Where the Waters Divide. Neoliberalism, White Privilege, and Environmental Racism in Canada (Lexington Books, 2015), and New Humanitarianism and the Crisis of Charity: Good Intentions on the Road to Help (Indiana University Press, 2017)
Michael Mascarenhas

Kristina Hill

Associate Professor
Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning and Urban Design


Research Areas: Urban ecology and hydrology in relationship to physical design and social justice issues, adapting urban districts and shore zones to the new challenges associated with climate change, adaptation and coastal design


Sample Projects: Urban water system design that supports salmon health, understanding the potential for designs to help protect coastal communities as sea levels rise internationally, adaptation and coastal design in the San Francisco Bay Area

Kristina Hill

Charisma Acey

Associate Professor and Faculty Director of the Berkeley Food Institute
Department of City and Regional Planning


Research Areas: access to drinking water and sanitation, environmental justice, poverty reduction, food security, collaborative governance and participatory research methods


Sample Projects: Exploring the Human Right to Water Paradigm in Urban and Peri-Urban Governance; Are Water Utility Customers in Kenya Willing to Pay More to Improve Sanitation in Low-Income Communities?; Infrastructure Imaginaries: Informal Urbanism, Creativity and Ecology in Lagos, Nigeria